Albums Jazz

Kenny Cox and Contemporary Jazz Quintet – Multidirection (BST 84339) (1969)

Kenny CoxIt’s the crate digger’s lot, I know, but it seems I’ve been striking out an awful lot lately. Recent family visits, under the guise of “exploring new places”, to Lewes, East Sussex and Tenterden, Kent, never mind regular sorties to Hythe and Folkestone, have left your reporter distinctly underwhelmed. If it weren’t for the many, many scores of wonderful records already purchased over the preceding four decades, for example, this tasty, if, given its turbulent time of issue, relatively conservative Kenny Cox Lp picked up a year or so ago from a chaz in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, well, I’d be completely lost.Blue Note

4 replies on “Kenny Cox and Contemporary Jazz Quintet – Multidirection (BST 84339) (1969)”

one has to ask: if you were not sourcing material for this site, would you even be bothering trawling charity shops for slim pickings anymore? a lot of them don’t even bother selling records now, as they don’t justify the space they take up with sales turnover. i for one hardly ever visit such places these days (well, not for vinyl anyway), preferring to get my musical thrills via the internet…

that reminds me: some while back i brokered a deal with the manager of a charity shop, whereby i would come in periodically and go through their latest vinyl donations, sorting out the wheat from the chaff (or rather, thinning out the “can’t give it away” stuff like mantovani and jim reeves, in the hope that the slightly-less common stuff that was left might fetch a quid) for shop display, and in return taking anything that i had a personal interest in… i did this for at least a couple of months, but in that time i only got two records worth keeping out of it! and even one of those only because it had a version of “theme of shaft” on it (for those who don’t know, i’m a “shaft” completist)…

Years ago, a professor friend of mine explained academia thuswise: There are 20 million sperm cells per average human male ejaculate and it only takes one to make a baby. In this same way, analogously, it only takes one teacher to make the college experience worthwhile.

I have extrapolated this notion across the range of human experience. So, broadly, 99% of everything is waste, but the 1% good levels all.

Do you see what I’m getting at?

Even so, it has crossed my mind more than once that “Wait, I’m only buying this to post about it.” I’ve tried to curtail that behavior, hence the plethora of “vintage thrifting” finds. But the fact is, I’ve been buying my music in thrift stores since I was seven years old. It’s too late to stop now, baby.

probably-too-late-attempt-to salvage-credibility (if i ever had any, what with my liking for level 42!): theme FROM shaft…

regarding your response – i have heard of a similar quote/theory that states “90% of everything is shit” – i certainly generally concur with that, but in the case of finding decent records in charity shops these days, i bet even 99% in this equation is being optimistic!

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